The history of solar power

In the last twenty years, solar cells have become an affordable and viable option to re-use energy. But it’s only because of the immense technological advances, since it was first discovered, that this has become possible. Here, we divulge a brief history of solar power and how it came to be as it is today.
1873 – Selenium
Willoughby Smith discovers that a material named selenium conducts electricity when exposed to light. It did not create enough electricity to power anything, but was the first step in harnessing energy from natural light. Over the next few years, papers began to be written on the photovoltaic effect on selenium, and in 1883 the first selenium solar cell was developed.
1916 – Photoelectric effect
In 1905, Albert Einstein published a paper explaining the photoelectric effect but it wasn’t until 1916 that it was experimentally proven by Millikan. In the 20s, solar water-heating systems began to be used in America.
1954- Silicon cell
The first silicon photovoltaic cell was invented in 1954, with about 6% efficiency. In 1958, solar power was used in space for satellites and space stations with 9% efficient solar cells. By 1960, the efficiency was up to 14%.
1968 – Solar powered watch
Riehl presented the first solar powered wristwatch in 1968. This symbolised the cost reduction of solar cells as talks began to make solar energy more accessible to the public.
1977 – Solar Energy Research Institute
The US government funded the Solar Energy Research Institute in 1977, and production of photovoltaic cells reached 500 kW. 1978 saw the first solar-powered calculators invented and the 1979 worldwide Energy Crisis increased the public interest in solar power.
1982 – Polysilicon cells
A manufacturer mass-produces the polysilicon cell, in the same method that we still use today, in 1982. The first solar powered cars are introduced in Australia too.
1999-Solar power plants
The total installed photovoltaic power reaches 1000 megawatts with the construction of large solar power plants all over the world.
Now, solar power is everywhere ranging from the White House to Taiwan’s national stadium. Solar power is a vital source of energy that is changing the way we think about fossil fuels and the environment.
Want to get involved with solar power? Photovoltaic roof tiles are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment. To find out more, please call Metrotile on 01249 658 514 or fill in a contact form and we will get back to you.