Frequently asked questions about photovoltaic roof tiles
Solar power technology has so many advantages for the regular household, and has become increasingly popular. But there are still…
Can solar panels be damaged by the weather?
If you’re debating getting solar panels, then you probably want to know how cost effective they are going to be….
Do Solar Panels Work in Winter?
Even in the middle of winter, solar panels still produce electricity. This is because they use light, not heat to…
How efficient are solar panels?
Solar panel technology has greatly advanced since it was first used over 100 years ago. Its efficiency, cost and appearance…
The history of solar power
In the last twenty years, solar cells have become an affordable and viable option to re-use energy. But it’s only…
Debunking solar power myths
When it comes to solar power technology, there are some myths chucked around that don’t necessarily hold any merit. Solar…
Can installing solar panels damage your roof?
It’s a common misconception that installing solar panels can damage your roof’s strength and structure. Correctly fitted solar panels will…
What You Need To Know When Installing Solar Panels
More and more British homeowners are choosing to generate their own solar power at home, thanks to a combination of…
Which Type of Solar Panels You Should Buy
The technology used in solar panels, known as photovoltaics, has come a long way in the last couple of decades….
Can Solar Panels Be Hidden?
Solar panels (also known as photovoltaic panels) are increasingly popular. The average price of a solar panel installation has fallen…
How Many Photovoltaic Roof Tiles Do You Need?
Photovoltaic solar panels and roof tiles are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons, both economic and environmental. Not…
Do You Need Planning Permission for Solar Panels?
The cost of installing photovoltaics panels (commonly called ‘solar panels’) is continuing to fall and increases in energy prices are…