Should I install my roof myself?

There is no doubt that installing a roof is a skill and not just anybody can turn their hand to the task. However, for those who enjoy a spot of DIY, installing new roofing may seem like a task that they want to take on themselves.
How-to guides
If you have installed a roof before you are most likely able to get to work installing the roof with very little guidance, but there are some who have the ability but not the knowledge and this is where a how-to video can help.
The internet has made how-to guides much more informative because in video format, they are easier to follow while providing DIY fans the ability to see someone carrying out the work in front of them. At Metrotile, there are many how-to videos are available make it possible to install the roof yourself.
Metrotile appreciate the fact that many customers love the challenge of fitting a roof themselves while also appreciating the financial savings that can be made. However, for those who are unsure about how to fit a roof or have very little DIY knowledge it is advised that you either do a lot of research beforehand and are absolutely sure you can carry out the work or you use a Metrotile approved contractor.
The risks
Deciding to go ahead with the job yourself comes with risks. Firstly, there is the safety element and secondly, you run the risk of causing damage or making mistakes that can cost money. If you have any doubt that the job is not right for you then you should consider using a Metrotile approved contractor. This will ensure that your Metrotile roof is installed correctly and efficiently, providing you with a roof that will stand the test of time and live up to the Metrotile reputation.
If you believe you have what it takes to install a Metrotile roof, take a look at our how-to videos. They will assist you through the process of installing a roof, enabling you to benefit from everything that a Metrotile roof has to offer.
For more information about the Metrotile lightweight roof tiles get in contact with our team. Fill out our contact form or call us on 01249 658514.