When to replace your concrete roof?

Concrete roofing tiles have been manufactured by many different producers over the years. Many of these products have performed to a very high standard of durability, yet others have performed less well and even inadequately. This can leave a homeowner with unforeseen problems, and may in time lead to the requirement for full replacement.
What are the problems with concrete tiles?
Though their use was widely adopted due to the durability of the material, concrete tiles do in fact deteriorate over time. Concrete cures and hardens over time, however for roofing tiles the curing process lasts around a year from the creation of the tile itself.
Structural defects can occur within individual tiles when they are moved onto trucks and roofs or (as is often the case) tiles are not left to completely cure before being used. These defects cannot be rectified and by and large only emerge years after installation.
Heat is a major issue with concrete tiling. The surface temperature of concrete tiles, where during summer months the ambient daily temperature is around 30 degrees, can reach temperatures of 100-120 degrees. These temperatures, along with other environmental factors such as acid rain, wind and pollution, contribute to the wear and tear of the concrete tiles surface.
How do you detect damage?
The earliest indication that there is surface damage to concrete tiling is that the tiles surface will oxidise becoming powdery to the touch. Further evidence of deterioration of the surface coating is the sand cement component of the tile becoming affected by way erosion.
Erosion of the tiles leaves sedimentary deposits to build up in the surrounding gutter system. This can limit the flow of water through gutters, down pipes, water tank and eventually gives cause for the gutters system failing.
Other signs that roof repair or replacement is required include; scaling, cracking, crazing and spalling. Often minor, timely repairs and regular maintenance will ensure that tile deterioration can be controlled and does not lead to significant structural damage. If this has not occurred, it can mean that the requirement for replacement is unavoidable.
Should I replace concrete with concrete?
As we cover in our piece titled reasons to not replace your concrete roof, there are some important considerations in this decision. You can read more in our blog but to summarise; the weight, environmental impact and aesthetics of concrete roof tiles are all factors.
As we’ve already highlighted the importance of maintaining a concrete roof properly, and this is not without significant costs, it is useful to note that metal roofing is more cost efficient in the long-term as it requires very little maintenance.
The insulating properties and ability to reflect heat that come with a lightweight metal roofing solution also make it easier to control the temperature within the property, meaning you can increase your savings through the reduction of your energy bills.
If you’re looking for an attractive, lightweight and environmentally friendly roofing solution to replace your concrete roof tiles, contact Metrotile today. Either call us on 01249 658514 or fill out our contact form and one of our team will respond promptly.