Metrotile’s Solar Power Jargon Buster

Solar power is becoming increasingly popular, especially with concerns over global warming and our carbon footprints. Some of the jargon surrounding solar power can be confusing so we’ve put together the following to help explain some of the key terms associated with solar energy.
Active Solar
Active solar is when you collect natural sunlight, usually from a solar panel, to convert it into energy.
kWp/Pmax/Peak Power
All three of these terms mean the same thing. It is the most power you can generate from your solar system in ideal conditions. The key thing to understand is that on an average cloudy day you can expect to get less than the kilowatt peak (kWp).
Feed-in Tariff (FIT)
The feed-in tariff scheme means you can receive payments from the government for owning a solar panel system. If your system generates excess electricity, you can also gain money from selling it back to the National Grid.
Photovoltaic Tiles
Photovoltaic roofing, or PV, involves thin layers of silicon sandwiched together and incorporated into panels of tiles. When the silicon is exposed to natural light, electrical charges are generated which can be collected and used. Photovoltaic cells are connected behind glass to form a panel, and one panel typically integrates into one roof tile.
Solar Tiles
Similar to photovoltaic panels, solar tiles generate electricity in the same way. However they look like big solar panels rather than the more subtle photovoltaic ones.
Monocrystalline Silicon Cells
These silicon cells are a type of photovoltaic cell and are the most expensive. They are cut down from crystals of silicon to form individual cells which can sometimes result in wasted silicon. They are efficient though, harnessing around 15% of the sun’s energy.
Polycrystalline Silicon Cells
Another type of silicon cell is the polycrystalline. These cells are made from moulds rather than cut reducing silicon waste. They are much cheaper than monocrystalline, offering a better cost per watt. They used to be a lot less efficient than monocrystalline panels however technology is catching up, meaning they are only slightly less efficient and often provide the best return on investment for users.
Metrotile are one of the UK’s leading suppliers of PV roofing. We use polycrystalline silicon cells in our photovoltaic roof tiles, meaning you get more for your money. If you’d like some more information on our PV roofing, or solar power, then call 01249 658 514 or use our contact form for a quick response.