How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

The sad fact is, home energy bills aren’t likely to go anywhere but up for the foreseeable future. If the worst predictions are to be believed, prices will increase dramatically over the next couple of decades. With that in mind, it makes sense to do everything you can to reduce the amount of energy you have to pay for. There are two keys ways to do this – cutting the amount of energy you use and generating your own energy.
Reducing your energy usage
One of the simplest ways to cut your energy use is to improve your home’s insulation, thus reducing the amount of heating you need. For many of us, the weak point in our insulation is our roofs, so the more insulating material you can pack in the better. Metrotile’s lightweight roof tiles are much thinner than traditional alternatives, meaning you can add extra insulation without decreasing the amount of space available underneath. It’s also worth looking at upgrading your windows, as the latest energy efficient designs can often significantly improve your home’s thermal performance.
Depending on the size and type of building you have, it may be more efficient to switch to a different type of heating system than traditional radiators. Options that might help you cut your bills include underfloor heating and more modern superefficient radiator designs. Improving the amount of natural light entering your home with options such as skylights and sun tunnels can reduce your reliance on electric lighting, increasing your savings. You may also want to look at upgrading things like your boiler, washing machine and other home appliances for the latest eco-models to push your home’s energy efficiency to the next level.
Producing your own energy
Of course, energy prices only matter when you are paying someone else for your energy. That’s why increasing numbers of people are adapting their homes to produce their own electricity and heating, reducing their reliance on utility companies.
Photovoltaic tiles and panels remain one of the most popular options for home electricity generation as they are relatively easy to install, reliable, offer a good return on investment and are usually eligible for various government schemes to help you with the cost of installation. To find out more about the advantages of photovoltaics, check out our previous blog on the subject. Metrotile offer a range of photovoltaic products which can be incorporated into new roofs or retrofitted onto existing roofs.
There are numerous options for generating your own heating, including wood pellet burning boilers and stoves, ground source heat pumps, air source heat pumps and solar heating. Check out the Energy Saving Trust’s Renewable Technology page for more information about the most popular options.
To find out more about how Metrotile can help make your home more energy efficient, feel free to call us on 01249 658514 or send us an email with your query.