Frequently asked questions about photovoltaic roof tiles

Solar power technology has so many advantages for the regular household, and has become increasingly popular. But there are still some frequently asked questions regarding solar panels and some general myths chucked around that are not true. Here, we’ve compiled the answers, to help you make an informed decision about solar power technology.
How many photovoltaic tiles would I need?
How many solar tiles you would need will depend on what you hope to achieve from them. There are several aims when it comes to installing photovoltaic tiles, you can simply reduce your energy bills, have bills completely paid for or produce enough energy to profit. The amount you need will also depend on your general energy usage such as electrical appliances and heating.
Do solar panels need sunlight? Do they still work in winter?
Solar panels work all year round, regardless of the cold winter weather. However, they are much less efficient in the winter months, producing about a fifth of the energy you would expect in the summer. Because of this, it’s quite common that you would sell some back to the national grid during the summer and buy it back in the winter.
How expensive are solar panels?
When solar panels were first invented, they were very expensive and they seem to have kept this common misconception throughout the years. The cost has reduced massively, making them much more affordable. The exact cost will depend on how many you would like for your house but it’s important to remember that you save money on your energy bills and can even benefit from payments from the government!
What is the FIT scheme for solar panels?
The payments from the government are named the Feed-In Tariff scheme, or FIT. This means you earn money for using solar power technology, as it greatly benefits the environment and reduces your carbon footprint. If you generate too much energy for your own needs, you can also sell it back to the national grid.
Can solar panels damage my roof?
If you choose a qualified and professional installer for your solar panels, they will do no damage to your roof at all. In fact, they can help protect your roof from UV light, heat and extreme weather conditions, prolonging the life span of your roof. They add an extra layer to your roofing, so can help with insulating your house too.
Can solar panels be damaged by weather?
Solar panels are hardwearing and durable, meaning they won’t get damaged by the weather. It’s important to buy your solar panels from a reputable and experienced company though, to ensure the best quality of solar cell. Heavy snow and sleet can block photovoltaic cells from harnessing sun light so, in areas where this is a concern, it’s important to keep them clear.
How efficient are solar panels?
Solar panels have an average efficiency rating between 11% and 15%, depending on what kind of photovoltaic cell you opt for. This may sound generally quite low, however 11% efficiency is plenty to provide energy for a whole household and the efficiency is only really a concern when you have a particularly small surface area of them.
How can I find out if a solar panel installer is qualified?
The solar panels that professional installers use will be registered with the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS). This is a quality benchmark which is part of an industry-led scheme. You can only apply for the FIT scheme or the Renewable Heat Incentive if the solar panels used are recognised by the MCS.
The photovoltaic roof tiles we use at Metrotile are recognised by the MCS, showing that our tiles are of the highest quality. If you’re considering solar panels, why not call us on 01249 658 514 or fill in a contact form online and we will get back to you.