Decra UK Lightweight Roofing Systems – An Introduction

Looking for Decra UK? Metrotile has recently become the UK’s official distributor of Decra Lightweight Roofing systems, a move that sees two long term rival products come together as a formidable force in the lightweight roofing industry.
To many, Decra has been a ‘household name’ in the UK and the rest of the world, synonymous with lightweight steel roofing systems for decades, but for those unfamiliar, here is a quick history lesson.
Decra’s humble beginnings can be traced back to Kent, where a stone-based coating was invented by Decraspray Co. of Kent in 1939 during WWII. It was used to coat many of the ‘Prefab’/non-traditional homes that were built in response to the post-war housing shortage.
Fast forward to 50’s New Zealand, where galvanised sheeting was a common roofing material due to scarcity of concrete tiles at the time. Decraspray received positive press in New Zealand, and this lead to the creation of the first Decra tile.
Subsequently, Decra started to infiltrate worldwide markets. It was introduced to Europe in the 70’s, and Denmark was the first country to recognise the advantages of Lightweight Roofing.
Decra was launched in the UK in February, 1977.
As time went on, the system was improved by acrylic polymer base coat and bonding coat, that was unaffected by UV light. This became the basis for all lightweight roof systems to follow, including Metrotile.
Decra has been a subsidiary company/brand for various roofing material manufacturers over the years, but recently settled as part of the Roof Tile Group, also home of Metrotile. This means that Metrotile UK now supplies Decra roofing to the United Kingdom, and we’ve already successfully re-launched the Oberon tile into the UK Market with more profiles to follow. As a Metrotile-sold product, Decra roofing benefits from our 40 Year Guarantee.
If you wish to enquire about Decra or Metrotile Lightweight Roofing, please don’t hesitate to contact us.