Can You Heat Your Home Using Solar Power?

Renewable energy has come a long way in recent years, but with around 40-50% of the average home’s energy usage going on heating, finding eco-friendly ways to meet this consumption is vital. The sun is the ultimate renewable power source, so harnessing it to heat our homes is certainly very attractive. Fortunately solar power can offer a solution.
Solar water heating
This works by placing special tubes on our roofs filled with water which can be gently heated by the sun. The heated water is then circulated through a specially adapted heating system where it can be used to provide the warmth for underfloor heating.
Unfortunately this type of set-up is only really effective to super-insulated homes which have been designed to work with low temperature heating systems. The amount of heat collected is not suitable to run standard central heating, so retrofitting an existing home with this technology is usually not cost-effective.
Harnessing the power of photovoltaics
A simpler option that can be introduced much more easily into any home, photovoltaic panels or roof tiles can turn the power of the sun directly into electricity which can be used to run a variety of heating systems.
If you want your heating to be run entirely from the sun’s energy, you will probably need to invest in an energy efficient heating system, such as a ground-source or air-source heat pump. These require relatively little energy to run as they take advantage of ambient heat in the ground or air.
It is, however, perfectly feasible to heat your home comfortably with this kind of system and to run them off nothing but solar power, especially if you use battery storage to make sure you have a constant supply even when the sun isn’t shining. That way you really will be using the power of the sun to heat your home!
Metrotile’s PV roof tiles come with our standard 40 year weatherproof guarantee and are made with polycrystalline silicon cells which offer an excellent return on investment. We will be happy to consult with you on how many tiles you would need to meet your renewable power requirements, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
To find out more or to ask for a quote, call Metrotile today on 01249 658 514 or use our contact form for a swift response.