Can Solar Panels Be Hidden?

Solar panels (also known as photovoltaic panels) are increasingly popular. The average price of a solar panel installation has fallen significantly in recent years, meaning more and more people can afford to get on board with the home energy generation phenomenon.
Many people are still put off, however, by the way solar panels look. They want the benefits of producing their own electricity, but without having to dramatically change the appearance of their home with a set of panels sticking out of their roof. Fortunately, there is a solution.
The Problem
Solar panels are typically around 20% efficient, meaning they transform about one fifth of the energy contained in the light hitting them into useable electricity. To be as cost-effective as possible, solar panels must therefore be placed where they will receive the strongest possible light. This usually means making them south facing and making sure there is nothing blocking the light from hitting the panels.
Unfortunately this makes it very hard to hide traditional solar panels as you will have to put them where they will be most efficient, rather than where they will be least visible. Anything you do to conceal the panels is likely to block at least part of the light hitting them, making them less efficient.
The Solution
Photovoltaic roof tiles offer a discreet alternative to traditional solar panels, allowing you the benefits of efficiently generating your own power but without significantly altering the appearance of your home. Unlike normal solar panels, photovoltaic roof tiles are designed to sit level with your roof, allowing them to blend in. They produce just as much electricity as standard solar panels, so you won’t be sacrificing anything in terms of efficiency, making them an ideal solution. The improved aesthetics solar roof tiles offer also mean they can add more value to your home that traditional solar panels.
Metrotile offers a whole range of lightweight roof products offering the best of modern roofing technology at cost-effective prices. To find out more call 01249 658 514 or use our contact form for a quick response.