Are solar panels worth the money?

Solar panels have garnered a reputation for being expensive, due to their high cost a few years back. Since then, the price of solar panels has dropped significantly making them a much more affordable option for the average home, but are they worth the money?
Energy bill savings
Producing your own energy produces massive savings for your energy bills. Whether it’s cloudy or sunny, you will be generating enough energy to supplement your usage, or even cover your entire energy bill.
FIT scheme
The government are encouraging more households to get solar panels installed because of the sheer number of benefits both to the individual and to the environment. Because of this, they have introduced a payment scheme called the ‘Feed In Tariff’ which means you can be paid money from the government for producing your own energy. If your solar panels produce an excess of energy, you can sell it back to the national grid too.
Domestic RHI
Another scheme to promote the reduction of our energy usage and carbon footprint, is the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). This scheme offers quarterly payments for seven years to those that are using renewable heat energy, through the use of solar water systems or heat pumps.
Solar panel cost
The actual cost you will pay for solar panels varies on several factors; the size of the property, energy usage and how much energy you wish to produce. But it’s worth remembering that you will have probably paid off the solar panels within 10 years.
The benefits for the environment as well as the various schemes and payments from the government make solar panels well worth their cost. Make sure you choose a MCS recognised installer, such as Metrotile, when fitting photovoltaic roof tiles to ensure you quality for the schemes. For more information, you can call us on 01249 658 514 or contact us online.