3 Common Roof Problems and How to Fix or Prevent Them

Roofs can take the brunt of the stress that bad weather and time can put onto a building. Unfortunately, these problems are also sometimes hard to see, and by the time you notice symptoms the damage can be extensive. You should take the time to regularly check the state of any roof for problems like the ones below, and take action to fix them before the costs mount up.
There are any number of reasons why a roof might leak, from a broken or missing tile, to incorrect fitting in the first place. Naturally occurring tile types can sometimes not overlap correctly due to their non-uniform shape, and some roofing material such as wood can warp over time, creating gaps.
Although hindsight won’t help you if you have a leak right now, the best thing you can do is assess the state of your roof before it springs a leak, and choose roofing materials that fit tightly and uniformly. If you’re noticing warping or wear on the tiles but they haven’t started leaking yet, then you should take preventative action and replace the tiles.
‘Ponding’ of Water
Even a perfectly flat roof doesn’t stay that way for long due to the effects of rain, snow and ice causing the roof to bow. Once this happens, any precipitation is likely to form puddles on the roof without the means to drain away, causing a whole host of problems.
To fix this, you need to create a way for the water to escape from the roof. Flat-to-pitch roof conversion are highly recommended in this instance. If you’re worried about the aesthetics of raising the pitch of your roof, then you can choose low pitch roof tiles that are suitable for installation at a very low angle. This will keep the roof low, and yet allow water to run off rather than collect and cause you problems.
Loose/Missing Roof Tiles
If you do notice a missing roof tile, you must take action quickly to avoid moisture or pests entering your loft space. It is not always possible to get replacement tiles immediately, so a temporary measure is often necessary, especially if the weather is bad and moisture is getting in. Tarpaulin is a perfect solution, and can be tied down to secure it. Be wary of using bricks or weights to hold it in place, as if these fall off the roof due to slipping or being flung by the tarp blowing in the wind, they can cause serious injury. Once you have secured the gap in the roof, you should get to work replacing the tile.
Choosing Metrotile’s steel roofing is a great way to avoid all three of these common problems. The tiles come with a 40-year weatherproof guarantee, and need very minimal maintenance. Their uniform shape and strong fixings mean that they fit together tightly, preventing leaks and reducing the risk of becoming damaged or loose.
If you’re interested in low maintenance, high performance roofing materials then get in touch for a no-obligation chat about how our tiles will benefit you. Call us on 01249 658 514.