3 common myths about metal roofs (that aren’t true)

Many homeowners are put off by the thought of a house with a metal roof because of the common myths that surround them. In fact, metal tiles offer an excellent roofing material as they have many long term benefits.
To help you become clearer on what a metal roof can offer a home or commercial premises, we’ve dispelled the 3 most common myths about metal roofing.
They are noisy
Plenty of individuals believe that metal roofing is noisier than traditional roofing, but this isn’t actually true. This myth is likely to have come from the increased noise that corrugated roofing sheets can create.
A specially created metal roof tile, like a Metrotile, actually generates no more noise that a ‘traditional’ tile, and far less noise than corrugated roofing. The aluzinc coated steel is covered in stone granules and painted, so it resembles traditional roofing tiles and reduces noise.
They let more heat out
The belief that metal roofing lets more heat escape from your home is, in fact, a myth. The thinness of the metals tiles delivers the same level of insulation as a traditional tile and actually allows for more space for insulation to be installed. Therefore, a metal tile can actually help reduce the amount of heat that escapes from a house.
They are more likely to be struck by lightning
Metal roofs are no more likely to hit by lightning than non-metal roofs. Lightning will usually strike the highest object rather than a metal object, which is why it often strikes trees.
Metal roofing is actually incredibly resistant in extreme weather, as it is isn’t combustible or flammable. Metrotile’s products have been tested in cyclone conditions, and come with a 40 year weatherproof guarantee because of how well they perform in extreme weather.
If you’d like to know more about Metrotile’s lightweight roof tiles, then please browse our site. For further information, or if you have any questions, please call a member of our helpful team on +44 (0)1249 658514.