Looking after your Photovoltaic Tiles

Photovoltaic (PV) roof tiles have proven to be incredibly popular over the past couple of years, as businesses and homeowners have been looking for ways to lower their energy bills whilst caring for the environment. PV tiles installed atop your property mean that energy bills can be reduced and can even mean that energy companies pay the home or business owner through government Feed in Tariffs. This, along with the fact that PV tiles are incredibly easy to maintain, make them an ideal money saving venture for most property owners.
Those who have purchased and installed photovoltaic tiles on their roofs may want to know the best way to care for them to get maximum usage, so here’s a guide to looking after your tiles.
Tile Maintenance
Photovoltaic tiles do not require much maintenance, although you may wish to check them occasionally for debris or build-up of dirt. A covered tile causes poor performance as it blocks light from the solar cells and prevents energy from being harnessed. As each of Metrotile’s PV panels contain 14 solar cells that each provide a maximum of 4 watts, a single covered cell can reduce the panel’s performance by 7%.
To prevent reduced performance, homeowners who notice debris covering their PV tiles should make effort to remove it as soon as possible in a safe way. When carrying out maintenance or cleaning your tiles, you need only do the following:
- Remove debris, such as leaves, from the panels
- Use warm water and a soft sponge to remove any bird droppings or dirt.
If the dirt is difficult to remove with warm water alone, add a small amount of washing up liquid. This will gently lift the dirt without doing damage to the effectiveness of the tile. Make sure that the soapy water is properly washed off after cleaning.
In addition to cleaning the tiles, you may also want to check that surrounding trees, or shrubs do not obstruct the tiles, and cut them back if they do.
If you need to clear debris from your tiles, ensure that you do it in a safe manner. Homeowners who are going to attempt tile cleaning themselves should use an appropriate and safe ladder. For advice on how to safely use a ladder, read the HSE’s guide for Safe Use of Ladders and Stepladders. Whilst the guide is designed for safe ladder use in work, much of the advice is also appropriate for ladder use at home.
If your building is more than two storeys high, or you feel that you would not be able to clean your photovoltaic roof tiles safely, it is best to seek out a specialist cleaning company that is experienced in cleaning photovoltaic tiles.
Lifespan of a Photovoltaic Tile
Our photovoltaic tiles are designed to last in excess of 20 years, with minimal maintenance required for the tiles themselves. Over time, the effects of UV light will degrade the panel, as the performance of a photovoltaic tile is determined by the degree of ‘blackness’ of the panel. This could mean that, although panels in highly sunny areas are able to harness more energy, they are restricted in lifespan.
If using Metrotile’s photovoltaic roofing, individuals can easily replace damaged tiles. Unlike other photovoltaic tiles, where the all the photovoltaic tiles require replacing, with Metrotile, only the damaged tile does. As the tiles interlock and are screwed, rather than nailed, this is a quick process that doesn’t cause damage to the rest of your roof.
If you would like to know more about our photovoltaic products, or would like further advice on their care, please get in touch by calling +44 (0)1249 658514.